Drinking or Driving?

Through revisiting common myths and engaging with difficult first-person accounts of the consequences of driving while impaired, students reexamine their own attitudes and behaviours towards drinking and driving.

From the inside of a car, we see blurred colourful lights on the street outside

Grade Level: Grades 9 – 12

Subject: Health and Physical Education

Time Required: 75 Minutes

Overall Expectations:

  • HPE – Healthy Living Strand

Introduction/Minds On:
(10 minutes)

Assess your knowledge:



  • Ask students if there were any surprises in terms of drinking and driving and given what they know, how does “knowing” versus “thinking you know” affect their actions?

(55 minutes)

Sue’s Story (20 minutes)

Looking at Both Sides, Critical Thinking
(20 minutes)

  • Give each group some chart paper and a copy of Appendix 6: Sue’s Story, Graphic Organizer (Blank).
  • As a group, have students complete the graphic organizer. You can see a sample finished organizer in Appendix 7: Sue’s Story, Graphic Organizer.
  • As a group, have students consolidate their individual recordings for the “Reasons for Agreeing” section with a statement by referring to their individual It Says, I Say, So What template.
  • As a group, have students consolidate ideas for “Disagreeing with the Statement” section by referring to their individual It Says, I Say, So What template.

Stay and Stray (15 minutes)


  • Ask students:
    • Were there any surprises?
    • Were there any similarities?
  • Has there been a shift in your thinking about impaired driving? If so, how?

Extension Activity:
Consolidating Learning

  • Play the MTO’s Road Stories to validate learning about alcohol, drugs and driving.
  • After playing the video clip, use a Call Out strategy to ask students for two or three comments about the material presented in the video and how it affected their attitudes or behaviours to alcohol, drugs and driving.

(10 minutes)

Teacher Assessment

Learning Outcomes

Oral: Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences, particularly for peers.

Writing: Generate, gather and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience.