Pedestrian Safety

In this lesson, students will learn about personal safety, injury prevention and road safety as a pedestrian. Students will use their media literacy skills and technology to create public service announcements (PSA’s) to show how pedestrians can prevent or avoid these dangers. The PSA’s will encourage the importance of wearing proper clothing, avoiding the distracting effects of technology, and staying alert of other road users. This lesson involves the use of technology, which can be adapted for the settings available to you.

Smiling adolescent kids

Grade Level: Grades 7-8

Subject: Pedestrian Safety

Time Required: 60+ minutes

Overall Expectations:

  • Health and Physical Education 2019:
    Grade 7 Healthy Living – D1
  • Language 2006:
    Grade 8 Reading – 1
  • Language 2006:
    Grade 8 Writing – 1
  • Language 2006:
    Grade 8 Oral Communication – 1

Introduction/Minds On
(10 - 15 minutes)

  • Using Appendix 1: Graphic Organizer ask students – What does road safety mean as a pedestrian? Post at front of class.
  • Have students post their graphic organizer at the front of the class.
  • Using the 3 headings – Be Aware, Be Seen and Be Safe, have students provide as much schema as they can about pedestrian safety. They can do this as an oral brainstorm or post on stickies.
  • Share the short pedestrian safety videos:
    • Not So Funny PSA. Office for Injury Prevention. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
    • Let it Shine PSA. Office for Injury Prevention. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
  • After the videos, students fill in additional safety considerations into the visual graphic organizer.
  • Keep visual graphic organizers posted in the class for students to draw facts and ideas from.

(45 - 50 minutes)

  • Hand out, post and display Appendix 2: Media Assignment and Planner.
  • Discuss learning goals, success criteria, media planner as a class.
  • Students can choose to work independently, in groups or triads.
  • Students will select their media platform, fill in the basic elements of their design and conference with the teacher for approval to move forward.
  • Students will start their research using the links and resources provided. Insert research into their media planner to ensure ideas are organized and complete.

(40 minutes)

  • Additional time may be required for students to complete their drafts, make edits and finalize copy.


Materials List


  • Materials Required:
  • Writing utensils
  • Paper
  • Markers and pencils
  • Chromebooks



Learning Outcomes

  • Grade 7 & 8, Reading
    • 1.2: demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex and difficult texts by summarizing important ideas and explaining how the details support the main idea.
  • Grade 7 & 8, Writing 
    • 1.3: gather information to support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and a wide range of print and electronic sources.
  • Grade 7 & 8, Oral Communication 
    • 1.6: extend understanding of oral texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, by connecting, comparing, and contrasting the ideas and information in them to their own knowledge, experience, and insights, to other texts, and to the world around them.
  • Grade 7 & 8, Media Literacy 
    • 3.2: identify an appropriate form to suit the purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create.
  • Grade 7, Personal Safety and Injury prevention 
    • D1.1: describe benefits and dangers, for themselves and others, that are associated with the use of computers and other digital technologies.
  • Grade 8, Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
    • D2.2: demonstrate the ability to assess situations for potential dangers.