Innocent Until Proven Guilty

In this activity students will learn about the safe operation of ATVs. Through discussion and debate students will think critically as they examine their attitudes and behaviours and ultimately understand the consequences of taking risks when it comes to riding ATVs.

A blurry picture shows a teenage girl is riding an all-terrain vehicle, giving the impression of speed

Grades Level: 9 to 12

Subject: Health and Physical Education

Time Required: 75 minutes

Overall Expectations:

Informed Citizenship: Explain the legal rights and responsibilities associated with Canadian citizenship

Introduction/Minds On
(10 minutes)

Assess your knowledge:

  • Have students sit in groups of four to six.
  • Place an envelope with all six “Did you know?” cards (Appendix 1: Did You Know Cards) in the centre of each table.
  • Taking turns, each student picks up a card to read aloud.
  • Invite group members to reflect on what was read and discuss whether the information on these cards will have an impact on their attitudes and behaviour when riding ATVs.



  • Ask students if this information has changed their attitudes towards ATV safety.
  • Ask students if they think what they learned will affect their behaviour in the future.

(55 minutes)

Application of the Law: Innocent Until Proven Guilty
(20 minutes)


Triangle Debate Strategy/Shared Practice
(35 minutes)


Consolidation/Debrief (10 minutes)

  • Call out and have students respond orally to the prompts below and record answers on Plus Minus Interesting chart paper.
  • Prompts:
    • Ask students to review the points under each column.
    • Ask students to suggest which details in each column are the strongest.
    • Ask students if they were surprised by the way the law was applied to this case.

Teacher Assessment

Follow-up Activities

  • Consider asking students to complete a piece of writing based on their Plus Minus Interesting Templates taking one, or both, sides of the issue.
  • Consider asking students to consider the impact on the environment and trails as a result of ATV use.

Learning Outcomes

  • Oral: Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences, particularly for peers.
  • Writing: Generate, gather and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience.