Grades Level: 9 to 12
Subject: Health and Physical Education
Time Required: 75 minutes
Overall Expectations:
Informed Citizenship: Explain the legal rights and responsibilities associated with Canadian citizenship
Introduction/Minds On
(10 minutes)
Assess your knowledge:
- Have students sit in groups of four to six.
- Place an envelope with all six “Did you know?” cards (Appendix 1: Did You Know Cards) in the centre of each table.
- Taking turns, each student picks up a card to read aloud.
- Invite group members to reflect on what was read and discuss whether the information on these cards will have an impact on their attitudes and behaviour when riding ATVs.
- Ask students if this information has changed their attitudes towards ATV safety.
- Ask students if they think what they learned will affect their behaviour in the future.
(55 minutes)
Application of the Law: Innocent Until Proven Guilty
(20 minutes)
- Distribute copies of Appendix 2: Plus Minus Interesting Template.
- Model the Plus Minus Interesting Strategy Appendix 3: Plus Minus Interesting Strategy and Appendix 4: Plus Minus Interesting Retell.
- Distribute copies of Appendix 5: Teen Found Not Guilty.
- Have students independently read the article and then complete the Plus Minus Interesting Template.
Triangle Debate Strategy/Shared Practice
(35 minutes)
- Use Appendix 6: Triangle Debating to conduct small group debates.
Consolidation/Debrief (10 minutes)
- Call out and have students respond orally to the prompts below and record answers on Plus Minus Interesting chart paper.
- Prompts:
- Ask students to review the points under each column.
- Ask students to suggest which details in each column are the strongest.
- Ask students if they were surprised by the way the law was applied to this case.
Teacher Assessment
- Collect students’ Plus Minus Interesting Templates and use Appendix 7: Plus Minus Interesting Rubric to assess students.
Follow-up Activities
- Consider asking students to complete a piece of writing based on their Plus Minus Interesting Templates taking one, or both, sides of the issue.
- Consider asking students to consider the impact on the environment and trails as a result of ATV use.
Materials List
- Appendix 1: Did You Know Cards
- Appendix 2: Plus Minus Interesting Template
- Appendix 3: Plus Minus Interesting Strategy
- Appendix 4: Plus Minus Interesting Retell
- Appendix 5: Teen Found Not Guilty
- Appendix 6: Triangle Debating
- Appendix 7: Plus Minus Interesting Rubric
- Chart Paper
- Download all appendices
- More information: Off-Road Vehicle Safety
Learning Outcomes
- Oral: Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences, particularly for peers.
- Writing: Generate, gather and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience.