Grade Level: Kindergarten – Grade 3
Subject: Pedestrian Safety
Time Required: 60 Minutes
Overall Expectations:
- HPE – Healthy Living Strand
- HPE – Physical Activity (DPA)
- LL – Language and Literacy
Introduction/Minds On:
(3-5 minutes)
- Have students stand up and march on the spot.
- Ask students questions about pedestrian safety (see Appendix 1).
- When students answer “yes”, have them turn around march in the opposite direction. If they answer “no”, have them continue to march in the same direction.
(50 minutes)
Before The Walk
- You may want to verify the board and school policy for outings outside the school.
- Ask the students to identify the pedestrian safety rules on the streets, and on railway tracks. Discuss.
- Introduce the pedestrian safety rules (see Appendix 2).
- With input from students, plan a 20-minute walk through the school’s neighbourhood. Draw a map of the selected route, or take digital photos of the route, and share with the class.
- If possible, select streets with sidewalks and a route that has at least one opportunity to cross the road.
- Ensure you have at least one other leader to walk at the back of the line and that students are aware that they need to walk beside a partner and stay in a line when they walk.
During the Walk
Discuss the rules of pedestrian safety as the students are walking. Point out familiar street signs and discuss their meaning. Refer to Appendix 3: Sample questions for Neighbourhood Walk.
(3-5 minutes)
When the students are back in the classroom, ask them what they observed. What rules did they have to follow so they were safe on the road? Collectively, make a list of words related to pedestrian safety and hang them in the classroom.
If your school is in a rural area and you would like to familiarize the class with an urban setting, you might create a mock neighbourhood in the school yard or gymnasium.
Learning Outcomes
Reading: Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic and informational tests, using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
Oral: Listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.