Safety on Two Wheels

Teach the young cyclists in your class bike safety rules and the importance of proper protective gear with an impactful cauliflower drop demonstration and follow-up poster activity.

A girl is wearing a helmet and riding a bicycle down a paved pathway

Grade Level: Kindergarten – Grade 3

Subject: Bicycle Safety

Time Required: 50 Minutes

Overall Expectations:

  • HPE – Healthy Living Strand
  • LL – Language and Literacy

Introduction/Minds On:
(3-5 minutes)

  • Drop a cauliflower from a distance of at least 2 metres onto a piece of newspaper to illustrate the importance of wearing the appropriate protective equipment and being safe.
  • Ask the students what they think the damaged cauliflower represents. Discuss how a properly fitted bicycle helmet protects their heads from what happened to the cauliflower when in a bicycle crash.
  • Put the bicycle helmet on the second cauliflower and drop it onto a piece of newspaper. Discuss the difference in outcomes.

(30 minutes)

Part A

  • Brainstorm with students a list of the important protective bicycle gear and equipment required to stay safe when riding (Appendix 1). If possible, bring examples to show students.
  • Ask students about their personal use of safety gear. For example:
    • If you wear a bicycle helmet, jump up and down;
    • If you wear shoes that cover your toes when you ride, do squats;
    • If you have a bell on your bicycle, clap your hands.
  • Create a tally chart on paper or the blackboard that demonstrates the number of children in the class that have, and wear the proper protective bicycle gear.

Part B

  • Brainstorm with students a list of bicycle safety rules
    (Refer to Bicycle Safety Rules).
  • Brainstorm with students the ways of fitting a bike properly
    (Refer to Bicycle Safety Rules).
  • Record the rules on paper or the blackboard.
  • Have students choose one bike safety rule and create a poster of the rule to be displayed in their classroom or school. Help students print the rule below the picture.

(15 minutes)

Have students share their posters and rules with another class. Ask them to explain why each rule they have drawn is important in keeping themselves, and others, safe.

Teacher Assessment

Teacher may use Appendix 3: Product Achievement Rubric in order to assess student participation and knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

Writing: Generate, gather and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience. Recognize a variety of text forms, text features and stylistic elements, demonstrating an understanding of how they help communicate meaning.

Oral: Listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.